🎓 Academic experience

I took my B.Sc. in Computer Engineering at Roma Tre University in 2009, and a M.Sc. in Artificial Intelligence and Robotics in Sapienza two years later. After working one year as a software/web developer, I obtained my PhD in Sapienza in 2016, researching mainly in the fields of distributed machine learning and adaptive audio processing. I am now a tenure-track assistant professor (Ricercatore a Tempo Determinato di tipo B) at Sapienza, where I was previously an assistant professor and a post-doctoral fellow. During my studies, I visited Tohoku University in Sendai for a summer school in Robotics, and La Trobe University in Melbourne as a visiting PhD student.

You can read my full bio on this short CV.

🔬 Current research activities

🗄️ Past activities (memberships)

🗄️ Past activities (editorships)

🗄️ Past activities (conferences)

  • Industry Liaison Chair for the 33rd IEEE International Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing (MLSP 2023).
  • Tutorial and Workshop Chair for 2022 Artificial Intelligence and Informatics (AII 2022).
  • Social Media Chair for 2022 IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence.
  • Co-organizer of a special session on Tiny Machine Learning at IEEE WCCI 2022.
  • SPR Program Chair of the S+SSPR 2022 Workshop.
  • Co-organizer of the 1st Workshop on Dynamic Neural Networks at ICML 2022.
  • Social media chair of the 2018 IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence (Rio De Janeiro, Brazil), the 2020 IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence (Glasgow, UK).
  • Co-organizer of the 1st International Workshop on Reservoir Computing (ICANN 2019), 2nd International Workshop on Reservoir Computing (ICANN 2020).
  • Co-organizer of the special sessions on “Frontiers in Reservoir Computing” (ESANN 2020), “Distributed Learning Algorithms for Neural Networks” (IJCNN 2016), “Advances in Reservoir Computing” (IJCNN 2018).
  • Publicity chair for the “18th International Conference on Engineering Applications of Neural Networks” (Athens, Greece), the “2017 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks” (Anchorage, Alaska), the “2019 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks” (Budapest, July 2019), the “1st INNS Conference on Big Data” (San Francisco, US), the “2nd INNS Conference on Big Data” (Thessaloniki, Greece), the “3rd INNS Conference on Big Data and Deep Learning” (Bali, Indonesia), the “4th INNS Conference on Big Data and Deep Learning” (Genoa, Italy), the “14th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations” (Rhodes, Greece).
  • Tutorial speaker on “Deep Randomized Neural Networks” for the 4th INNS Conference on Big Data and Deep Learning (Genoa, Italy), together with Claudio Gallicchio (University of Pisa).